Scope and Goals:
The project explores the historical and contemporary role of hybrid communities in Southeast Asia, the evolution of their identities, and the prospects for sustaining hybrid identities in the face of national identity building. The project traces the origins and development of hybrid communities; examine the idea of hybridity in national identity; analyze different types of hybrid communities and the sustenance of their identities; investigate interactions among hybrid communities, the state and other ethnic groups; and situate hybrid communities within the larger context of Southeast Asia.
Participants, Affiliation, Title of Paper:
- Danny Wong Tze-Ken, University of Malaya, Introduction
- Hoon Chang Yau, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Between Hybridity and Identity: Chineseness as a Cultural Resource in Indonesia
- Putu Anom Mahadwartha, Universitas Surabaya, Chinese Muslims in Indonesia: Ethnic Minority and Majority Religious Group
- Tonny Dian Effendi, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Chinese Indonesian Hybridity: Multiple Imagined Identities
- Pue Giok Hun, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Empowering Local Knowledge in Search for Unity in Diversity: The Case of Peranakan Chinese in Kelantan, Malaysia
- Faina Abaya- Ulindang, Mindanao State University, Christian Migrants Among Indigenous Muslims and Non-Muslim Communities in Mindanao: Systematic Hybridity Toward Nation-Building
- Duong Van Huy, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, National Centre for the Social Sciences and Humanities of Vietnam, Changes in Identity of the Minh Huong Community in Vietnam
- Trixie Tangit, Australian National University, To be or not to be Bumiputera: Buang siang and Other Identity Transformation Trends among the Sino-Kadazans of Sabah
- Fakhriati, Center for Research and Development on Religious Literature and Heritage, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indians and Arabs as Hybrid Communities in Aceh: Identity and Assimilation
- Saidatulakmal Mohd, University Sains Malaysia, Ethnic Identity of Indian Muslims in Penang and their Identification with Malays
- Jeffrey Yap, Intramuros Administration (Manila), The Troubled Dual Construction of Ethnicity of Recent Chinese Migrants and Third Generation Chinese-Filipinos in Binondo, Manila
- Nur Shawarfiqah and Hoon Chang Yau, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, The Cultural Identity of the Chinese-Malays in Brunei: Acculturation and Hybridity